

Earth Day 22/04/2024

Here at GSL we take sustainability seriously and are proud of the steps we take to protect our planet. We decided to celebrate this by promoting EARTH DAY. At the Oakham office goodies were provided for staff to enjoy. They were also each supplied with a plantable pencil. The pencils can be used like normal …


Lunch Time Walks

Walking is great for your health and the aim of our walking group is to take a break from DSE, reduce stress and anxiety, increase fitness, improve mental alertness, energy, and positive mood.  


World Sleep Day 15/03/2024

Galson Sciences celebrated World Sleep Day on Friday 15th March. The aim of this event is to consider and aid those who have sleep problems. Sleep may seem like such a normal aspect of life that it might seem silly to even talk about it but it can be one of the most underrated aspects …


Red Nose Day 2024

During the run up to Red Nose Day which took place on 15/03/2024, Galson Sciences showed their appreciation for the charity Comic Relief by supporting this initiative which takes place annually. For 2024 the focus was on supporting those in need during the current living crisis, concentrating on issues like lack of food and homelessness. …


WMSymposia Conference 2024

Laure Prévot, (Product Line Director), Steve Wickham (Technical Director) and Yannick Caniven (Geoscientific Researcher-Consultant) attended Waste Management Symposium 2024, a leading international conference for radioactive waste management, which took place from March 10 – 14, 2024 in Phoenix, USA. Respectively, they presented papers on deep borehole disposal of radioactive wastes in Norway, on-site disposal of …


MPDP Announcement

Galson Sciences Limited, part of the Egis Group, are joining WSP and AtkinsRéalis in their recent appointment as the Major Permissions Delivery Partner for Nuclear Waste Services (NWS). As part of the project, we will work with Nuclear Waste Services to develop Initial Site Evaluations and Environmental Permit applications for site characterisation activities at potential …


Women In Nuclear Launch 07/03/2024

Egis Group’s Nuclear Service Line is launching a programme dedicated to women, with the aim of promoting engineering careers to female students, setting up mentoring initiatives within the nuclear teams, taking part in sporting events, prizes, etc. As part of Egis Group, Galson Sciences had the pleasure of marking the start of this initiative by …


Valentine’s Day at GSL 14/02/2024

As part of staff wellbeing here at Galson Sciences we participate in celebration days periodically throughout the year. February brought us Valentine’s and Shrove Tuesday. As you can see, we combined the 2, treating the staff to themed goodies and of course pancakes. This demonstrates the company’s commitment to staff welfare in turn boosting morale …


Internal Event – World AIDS Day Webinar 12/12/2023

World AIDS Day is on 1st December and takes place annually. This is a time to stand up for those impacted by HIV, past and present, and call for a better future. By wearing the iconic red ribbon, you are joining a community that shows solidarity with people living with HIV while remembering lives lost. …


38th Annual Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management Summer School 10-14/07/2023

Shivangi Prasad and Stella Foster attended the 38th Annual Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management Summer School 10th – 14th July, hosted at Christ’s College, Cambridge. The Summer School was attended by a diverse range of nuclear industry professionals, from those new to decommissioning to those retraining and upskilling. Jo Farrow and Jenny Kent from Galson …

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